To set up the connection with Jira/Tempo and configure general settings before the first sync, follow these instructions:
Go to Jira Connect Setup:
Select Actions > Setup Tasks > Update Parent Task List in Project Tasks
This task will set the value of the new field Parent Tasks No. in Project Tasks. This field stores the list of parent tasks and builds a task hierarchy.
Refresh the screen. You will see the progress information.
Period Setup
Set up the period for the sync. Select the Period Start Date and Period Type (Week, Month, Free). In the case of Free Period Type, also indicate the Period End Date.
Connect Jira Connector to your Jira and Tempo:
Set up Jira Connection:
- Jira API URL: your Jira’s http address, e.g.
- Jira API login: the login that will be used during the authentication process, e.g. [email protected]
- Jira API Token: a token you create in Jira. Also, see Manage API tokens for your Atlassian account.
The process of Jira tokens creation is described in
Note: to run the synchronization process, your Jira account must have enough permissions.
Select Actions > Setup Tasks > Test Connection Jira to test the connection.
A successful test will result in the message below:
Select Actions > Setup Tasks > Add Contract Type Field to Jira:
This process will create a new custom field BC Contract Type in your Jira system with the current set of options of the Contract Type field in BC. Currently, the list of options contains None, Time & Material, Fixed Price, Monthly Pay, T & M Detailed, Daily Pay, and Non-Billable.
You must add this custom field manually to your Jira screens considering what tasks and projects you want to use Contract Types for. For detailed descriptions on how to do this, refer to Add a custom field to a screen.
The task must fill in the Contract Type Field in the Connector Setup table:
Select Actions > Setup Tasks > Get Jira Account Field:
The Account Field will be populated.
Set up Tempo Connection
- Tempo API URL:
- Tempo API Token: A token generated in the Tempo interface (go to Tempo > Settings, scroll down to Data Access, and select API integration. Click on +NEW Token, then click Add to clipboard).
Note: Tempo token should have full access!
Important! If you want to sync Tempo worklogs for more than one user, you should have permission to view the worklogs for those users, i.e. the users must belong to one Tempo team, managed by the Setup User.
Select Actions > Setup Tasks > Test Connection Tempo to test the connection.
A successful test will result in the message below:
Tempo custom fields
To be able to sync the custom fields from Tempo, those fields must be added in Tempo Settings > Work Attributes and have the same name as in Tempo. Otherwise, when attempting to add a custom field (GMPJC Tempo Custom Field Setup > Actions > Get Custom Fields Key) which is not from Tempo Work Attributes, you will get an error.
Set Atlassian Account ID
If you already have resources in BC and Jira, you need to set the Atlassian Account ID in BC’s resources.
The first setup can require assigning Atlassian Account ID to numerous resources.
If only one user is required to be set up, use the following actions:
The Export Jira and BC Resources to Excel action will export to Excel to sheets: the first one (Resources BC) will contain a list of Business Central resources with No., Name and Atlassian Account ID. The second sheet (Resources Jira) will have the Name, E-mail, Status, and Atlassian Account ID for all users from Jira. You can edit the first sheet by setting a proper Atlassian Account ID for BC resources, then save it and import it to BC using Import Excel with Resource Atlassian Account ID.
If all users are required to be imported from Jira into BC, then the following toggle can be used as an automatic import option:
Note, that in this case Resource Unit Price/Unit Cost should be added manually by Export/Import options as well:
Create Resources Automatically: If enabled, the resources will be created automatically on import and process if there is no existing resource with a given Atlassian Account ID.
Resource Base Calendar Code: (must be set up to create a resource) Base Calendar Code assigned to a newly created resource by default.
Resource Default UOM: (must be set up to create a resource) Default unit of measure assigned to a newly created resource by default. Also, when a worklog is processed and a journal is created, a line will appear with the unit of measure = Resource Default UOM. Use "hours" for Resourse Default UOM.
Note: When you have a resource created from Jira, it is recommended that you assign the Unit of Measure for each contract type (Monthly Pay, Daily Pay) for this resource: Resource Card > Resource > Units of Measure
Resource Gen.Prod. Posting Group: (must be set up to create a resource) Specifies General Product Posting Group assigned to a newly created resource by default.
Default Issue Resource No.: The Resource number assigned to the issue in case it has no assignee in Jira. Also, Default Issue Resource No. is used when the issue (or its parent issue) has the Fixed Price contract type, and in the Project Planning Lines the auxiliary line (Budget Planning Line) is created for billing the Fixed Price issue (with Default Issue Resource No.).
Important! Default Issue Resource No. is checked during the import of each issue. If it is not filled, the issues will not be imported, i.e. it must not be empty:
Monthly Pay Work Type Code/Daily Pay Work Type Code: This Work Type Code will be used when creating a Billable Planning Line in Project Tasks with the Monthly Pay/Daily Pay contract type. During the task/resource validation, for a task with the Monthly Pay/Daily Pay contract type, the values Monthly Pay/Daily Pay Work Type Code and Unit of Measure Code (taken from the Setup) are assigned automatically. (Work Types should be pre-created).
External Resource Group: the Resource Group selected here can be indicated in the Resource Group No. field (Resource Card > General section), and the following parameters for external Resources will be processed without checking: Posting Group, Unit Cost, and Unit Price).
Create Customers Automatically: When enabled, a customer is created automatically during the first import (provided the Customer is assigned to the Jira Project). Note, that when you enable the Create Customers Automatically option, you must indicate Customer Template and Customer No. Source.
Also note, that if a template is not complete (e.g. there is no Posting Group indicated), then during issue processing you will be getting errors.
Customer Template: The template to be used for creating customers (the Name and the Key are pulled from Tempo, and the other parameters are indicated in the template).
Customer No. Source: Specifies the source for customer number - Jira Customer Key or standard number series (Cust.No.Series)
Project Setup
The result of worklogs processing is Project Journal Lines.
Project Journal Template: Specifies the Project Journal Template to be used for new Project Journal Lines.
Project Journal Batch: Specifies the Project Journal Batch to be used for new Project Journal Lines.
Project Journal Fields Editable: When enabled, the Dimensions fields, Unit Cost, and Unit Price can be edited on the Project Journal page.
Edit Data imported from Jira: When enabled, you can edit Project Journal Lines and Project Planning Lines imported from Jira. Editing the fields Document No. and Resource No. in the Project Journal Lines and Project Planning Lines is not recommended, as this might affect the correct work of the Jira Connector.
Fixed Price Default G/L Account: Specifies the account number that will be used as a default account for Fixed Price contracts.
Process Issues/Worklogs on Approval: When enabled, the worklogs/issues processing starts upon the approval of the error. The entity is processed if there are no more errors for a worklog/issue. When the option is disabled, you should process a worklog/issue manually after the error approval.
Monthly Pay Project Task No.: (indicated for Monthly Pay contract type at Project level) Specifies the Project Task No. where the Monthly Pay Billable Lines will be added to.
Daily Pay Project Task No. (indicated for Daily Pay contract type at Project level) Specifies the Project Task No. where the Daily Pay Billable Lines will be added to.
TnM Project Task No.
Issue Types to Skip: Here you can create a list of issues to be skipped during the import, i.e. you do not need them in Business Central (e.g. bugs, epics, stories).
Dimension Code: When the Account field is filled in the Jira issue, during the issue import, the Account Name is filled, using which the Dimension Value Code is created, whose general Dimension is indicated here in the Dimension Code field.
Auto Post Project Journals: When enabled, Project Journal Lines are automatically posted after worklog processing.
Process Approved Worklogs Only:
- When enabled, the worklogs that are not approved will bring errors. You can approve them directly in Business Central. (If in Business Central you already have a timesheet approved for the given Period and the Resource, the worklogs will be imported without errors).
- When disabled, after the sync you should go to the Role Center > Approved Timesheet and click Refresh.
Project Journal Description: Choose the source of the Project Journal Line and Project Planning Line Description.
- Standard will set standard Business Central values: Name of G/L Account or Resource or Item.
- Project Task Description will set the Project Task Description instead.
Default Worklogs Billable Lines Grouping: Specifies a default type of grouping that will be set as Worklog Billable Lines Grouping for all new projects in BC. The field is used in Billable Project Planning Lines that will be created after Project Journal Lines processing.
Import Tempo Billable Hours: When disabled, Jira Connector ignores billable hours in Tempo and sets hours spent on a task as billable hours.
In this section, you can enable synchronization for one project only, in case you need to reduce the synchronization time.
Ignore New Projects: When enabled, all new projects will be ignored during the sync.
Demo Projects: Choose a project from the list, which the page will be filtered to (only the data of the chosen Demo Project will be displayed, e.g. issue list, worklogs processed, journals).
Sync only one project: When enabled, only the project indicated in the Project name for sync will be synced.
Project name for sync: Specifies the name of the project to be synced under the Sync only one project option.
Add Sales Invoice Contract Type Comments: When enabled, in the created invoice, the comments will be added regarding the tasks contract types: for Daily Pay - "Month + Consultancy", for Monthly Pay - "Month + Extended resources", for Time and Material/Time and Material Detailed - "Month + Extra hours".
Auto Create Billable Lines: When enabled, the Journal is created with the empty type, and during posting it becomes "billable" (i.e. for T&M it is a Project Planning Line ready for billing). This option is used for the T&M contract type, as it allows making billable planning lines from the worklogs without additional actions.
Warning! Use this functionality ONLY if you need to test HTTP requests.
Enable HTTP Log: When enabled, the HTTP requests and responses and logged.
Enable Log HTTP Errors: When enabled, HTTP requests with error codes 4xx and 5xx are logged.
API Settings
Tempo REST API Version: Tempo REST API version used.
- API 3 (set by default): Tempo Response Elements Number Limit the range is 1..1000
- API 4 (works faster): Tempo Response Elements Number Limit the range is 1..5000
Tempo Response Elements Number Limit: Indicate the number limit for Tempo Response Elements (see Tempo REST API Version above)
Tempo Time Delay, seconds: Time delay between requests for worklog retrieving. The valid range is 0..3600 seconds
Worklogs Import Duration: Time consumed for the last worklog import
Tempo Imported Worklogs: Number of worklogs imported during the last sync
Performance Settings
Turn Off Calculations on Project: When enabled, the totals are not calculated for the Project (0 is displayed)
Turn Off Calculations on Project Task Lines: When enabled, the totals are not calculated for the Project Task Lines (0 is displayed)
Turn Off Style: When enabled, the default display of Projects and Tasks (no colours) is used.
Import of Projects
To retrieve all projects from Jira/Tempo and create a project with relevant data in Customer-Project Links, go to Actions > Sync Tasks > Import Projects.
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